
"Out of tonight’s tragedy, you are beginning to hear stories of heroism and self-sacrifice."
A friend says John Russel Houser's behavior became stranger over the years.
The fatal shooting at the Louisiana theater occurs nearly three years after the Aurora theater massacre.
You've seen the French Quarter, you've eaten too many beignets. Think you've done New Orleans? Not until you stroll Magazine Street. Here are the best stops along the way.
A 9/11 memorial in Lafayette, La. was targeted by vandals on the eve of the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks.In a controversial bit of guerrilla "art," suspects attached two cardboard cutouts of planes exploding into the monument's model of the World Trade Center towers, KATC reported. The planes included references to New World Order and the Eye of Providence, two popular themes among conspiracy theorists and truthers who question the details of the 9/11 attacks.