Marco Rubio

The national security nominees are Washington veterans with ties to the Obama administration, a sign of Biden’s effort to resume some form of normalcy.
In a tweet, Rubio suggested that Biden's picks were typical Ivy League elites — conveniently forgetting that Trump himself has a Wharton degree.
"Membership rejected," Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted. "By unanimous vote," added Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The GOP senator from Florida got roasted for choosing a blue wave to demonstrate his point.
It's "really freaky to see," says "The View" co-host of the chilling intimidation tactics.
The GOP senator from Florida self-owned with his criticism of Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.
My parents "didn't give me a million dollars to start a business," the actor said after the Democrats were assailed for having a celebrity host at the DNC.
"You literally elected a Reality TV star to be the President," one critic shot back at the Republican senator.
A sports board OKs practice in 10 days and games two weeks later — despite advice from its own medical expert to wait.
A Pentagon consultant made the revelation to The New York Times.