Mohammed bin Salman

President Joe Biden plans to visit Saudi Arabia and meet with the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in July.
Republican and Democrat senators have condemned President Donald Trump for siding with Saudi Arabia, despite evidence that its crown prince ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Kushner ally Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman overruled sovereign fund panel fears about inexperienced management and troubling risks.
After the Capitol riot last year, organizers announced they were yanking the 2022 PGA Championship from the same course in New Jersey.
Khalid Aedh Al-Otaibi was arrested at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris on Tuesday while attempting to fly to Saudi Arabia’s capital.
Bieber’s model wife, Hailey Baldwin Bieber, posted a supportive video on Instagram of him on stage, with the words: “Go Baby.”
The potential deal raises serious ethical issues as Kushner approaches officials he dealt with as a senior White House adviser as recently as January.
Biden pledged to root his foreign policy in values like human rights, but didn't apply that standard to the long and morally dubious U.S.–Saudi relationship.
HuffPost obtained a letter from key advocacy groups outlining additional steps against Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman and lawmakers are rolling out similar proposals.