Neil Gorsuch

The justices ruled 5-4, declaring that Congress never diminished or disestablished the land as a reservation.
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch delivered the court's resounding victory for LGBTQ rights on Monday.
In a surprise decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that firing a person based on sexual orientation and gender identity violates their civil rights.
In a 6-3 decision, the justices dismissed a challenge from gun rights groups over an old New York City gun control law.
The chief justice issued a rare rebuke of a sitting lawmaker after the senator issued a warning as the Supreme Court considers a major abortion case.
The court's decision in the employment discrimination case is expected by early summer 2020.
The T-shirts bear the slogan “Back-to-Back Supreme Court Champs” and feature the images of Trump and McConnell in silhouette.
Ginsburg offered a mild defense of the two Trump-appointed justices and called for an end to "dysfunction" in confirming Supreme Court nominees.
The judge whose nomination was blocked by Mitch McConnell in 2016 is more than a decade older than Trump's two Supreme Court justices.
Conservative justices ruled 5-4 that extreme partisan gerrymandering is fine. Guess which party benefits the most?