At least 19 children died in a shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
Guns have been around for centuries, but no nation has embraced the firearm like the United States. Nearly half of all civilian-owned guns belong to Americans. From cowboy movies to action films, from the Winchester rifle to the AR-15, what are the roots of America’s gun obsession?
The Interior Department's Ben Cassidy had direct contact with former NRA colleagues and helped install gun advocates on two advisory councils.
But gun safety advocates still see his victory as a “temporary setback.”
The gun control advocacy group Giffords alleges the NRA used a network of shell companies to skirt campaign finance laws.
A lot of sarcastic sympathy was extended to the gun lobbying group.
The National Rifle Association sought to move its operations to Texas from New York.
The National Rifle Association picked a really weird way to mark a Mother's Day that began with a Colorado mass shooting that killed seven people.