Removal of Confederate Monuments and Memorials

Statues torn down. Schools rechristened. A state flag axed. New data shows that 2020’s anti-racist protests are accelerating America's de-Confederation.
Portsmouth, Virginia, police can't subpoena city prosecutor Stephanie Morales in questionable felony cases and thereby remove her from the matter.
Angela Greene has aligned herself with political opponents of the Virginia senator that the Portsmouth Police Department charged with felony offenses.
In Virginia, officer Kevin McGee wants elected prosecutor Stephanie Morales tossed off the questionable cases he brought against civil rights leaders.
Portsmouth Police Department Sgt. Kevin McGee was under investigation for authoring a heated letter blasting Virginia Sen. Louise Lucas (D) and others.
Thousands have signed petitions to swap the monument in the actor's hometown of Anderson, South Carolina.
The Confederate monument made it through a vote, but Hurricane Laura brought it down anyway.
A white Portsmouth resident filed the charges against Lisa Lucas-Burke, who called for the ouster of city Police Chief Angela Greene.
Portsmouth police Sgt. Kevin McGee is pressing rare "injury to a monument" charges against politicians, civil rights leaders and public defenders.
The Portsmouth Police Department in Virginia doesn't want its local prosecutor handling criminal cases connected to the destruction of Confederate monuments.