Ron Wyden

“If you know what websites a person is visiting, it’s akin to spying on their thoughts."
Sen. Ron Wyden maintains that there is a big difference between hemp and weed.
“Tax returns deliver honest answers to key questions from the American public," says Sen. Ron Wyden.
Ron Wyden has promised to use "every procedural tool in the Senate" to protect encryption security.
Sen. Ron Wyden says the carmaker "may have defrauded its way into economic gain at the taxpayer's expense."
The embattled German automaker might have another big, expensive problem on its hands.
"Compared to what Republicans are doing, it's pretty damn good."
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced a compromise on the controversial bill.
Ron Wyden explains why he's troubled by the Senate's rush to pass a cybersecurity bill.