Sandy Hook

"Silence in the face of this rash of mass shootings has become complicity."
The scary truth behind American gun violence? It's on all of us.
Lawsuits against the Newtown school board and the maker of the assault-style rifle Lanza used are unresolved.
Retired baseball star Chipper Jones apologized for tweeting that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax, but it wasn’t enough for victim’s family members.
An audio clip of a call made by Newtown shooter Adam Lanza to an Oregon radio station recently surfaced. And many believe it was a warning of the tragedy that would unfold almost a year later.
The public is owed more information. We all want to know if there were opportunities to forestall such a gruesome tragedy. At the same time, we need to ensure that his story does not provide an insupportable platform for demonizing those with a mental illness.
Actor Jim Carrey took to Twitter to blast opponents of gun control, calling them, "heartless motherf--kers unwilling to bend for the safety of our kids."
Actor Jim Carrey took to Twitter to blast opponents of gun control, calling them, "heartless motherf--kers unwilling to bend for the safety of our kids." We are joined by Kai Makarechi, Carolyn Castiglia, Mike Smith and Shirley Husar.