Scott Pruitt

So far, only Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) has urged the EPA's acting administrator to step down.
The former EPA chief is eyeing up a job in the very industry he was supposed to regulate.
Pruitt resigned in July amid a slew of scandals and more than a dozen federal investigations into his behavior.
Democratic lawmakers want the former EPA chief held accountable for excessive spending and other ethical lapses.
But the president's tightening grip on the courts could change his administration's fortunes.
Pediatricians warned that keeping it on the market put "all children at risk."
Four Democrats requested the Office of Government Ethics investigate meetings between Scott Pruitt's replacement and his former clients.
Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt resigned amid at least 18 federal investigations. Zinke has tallied up nearly a dozen.
As the EPA sat on formaldehyde report, aides prepared to air out a worrisome desk for their boss.