
As famine looms, more than 6.2 million people in the war-torn Horn of Africa nation are in desperate need of help, the U.N. said this week.
After The White House’s executive order banning travel to the U.S. from Muslim-majority countries was ruled unconstitutional, Donald Trump has issued a new order that retreats on several of the original’s key provisions.
Some 400,000 malnourished children need urgent care.
In its current form and function, the United Nations is certainly on course into the dust bin of history.
The icon interviewed Aden, a hijabi taking the fashion world by storm.
Sometimes, a banana is not just a banana.
Children make up more than half of the world’s refugee population.
The pang felt by the #MuslimBan reverberates around the world and this sends a clear message to women’s rights advocates.