Susan Collins

Scott Pruitt's confirmation to the EPA
Once, with me, you chose dignity, stewardship, and judgment – not the party line – as your guides.
Donald Trump's pick for secretary of education may not get the votes she needs.
"Obviously the communication was not there, interagency process was not there .... Chaos ensued."
The plan is very hazy, but it's different than what other Republicans have proposed.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted for an amendment proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
A small number of influential Republicans in the Senate are threatening to block appointments to Trump’s administration, derail his thaw with Russia and prevent the planned wall on the border with Mexico.
The $600 list price of the drug will remain the same, but the company said it would increase the maximum copay assistance program to $300 from $100.
Sen. Susan Collins of Maine joins a handful of Republican senators who have declared they won't support their party's presidential nominee.