United States Department of Justice

Philip Sean Grillo, who testified at trial that he had “no idea” Congress met inside the U.S. Capitol, was found guilty of five charges linked to the 2021 attack.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) warned the Justice Department of the practice in a letter.
The special counsel intends to demonstrate the former president has a history of promoting baseless election claims, dating back to the 2012 vote.
The House speaker offered a remarkable statement in support of those who rioted at the U.S. Capitol in 2021.
The MSNBC host named some of the "total sycophants" lining up for jobs with the former president.
The younger Biden's lawyers say his ongoing criminal investigation and prosecution was vindictively launched to advance Trump's "partisan ambitions."
The police department is accused of arresting people without justification, using illegal roadblocks to stop Black drivers, and more.
The decision to interview Weiss in private reflects the challenges Republicans face in arguing that the Justice Department has shown favoritism to the president’s son.
Government officials said the phrase “Trump too small” could still be used, just not trademarked because Trump had not consented to its use.
Federal prosecutors concluded just 99 criminal cases against corporations in 2022, the same number as Donald Trump’s DOJ during his second year.