Vivek Murthy

“Modern technology companies have enabled misinformation to poison our information environment with little accountability,” Dr. Vivek Murthy said.
The Senate has been much easier on his white nominees.
Biden has spent the past few days assuring the public that he will enter the Oval Office with an aggressive plan for tackling the coronavirus pandemic.
“Part of the reason people don’t talk about their loneliness is that they feel they will be judged for it,” Vivek Murthy says.
The way forward includes needle exchanges and calling addiction what it is: a medical condition.
Shame, stigma and criminalization are major obstacles to treatment in addition to cost.
"For far too many people living with addiction, they feel that they are living with stigma."
As overdose deaths in North America continue to climb, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy explains to Arianna Huffington how he's tackling the opioid addiction epidemic.