U.S. Department of Labor

The children's responsibilities included cleaning kill equipment — head splitters, jaw pullers, bandsaws and neck clippers — the Labor Department said.
Regulators say Exclusive Poultry Inc. had kids as young as 14 working to debone chickens with sharp knives and "operate power-driven lifts to move pallets.”
The new numbers came as bi-partisan lawmakers ripped federal efforts to protect unaccompanied migrant children from illegal labor and abusive sponsors.
The confirmation of Julie Su, the president's pick to lead the Labor Department, is seriously imperiled after the Senate Democrat voiced his opposition.
The owners and operators of a California chain were ordered to pay workers $140,000 in back wages and damages.
Biden had been under pressure from the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and other Asian American and Pacific Islander advocates to select Su to head the department.
David Weil advocated for stronger protections for temporary and gig workers in the “fissured workplace.”
The dispiriting data for organized labor prompted renewed calls for Congress to overhaul the law and make it easier to unionize.
A OK Walker Autoworks is accused of unlawfully retaliating against Andreas Flaten after he contacted the Labor Department about not receiving his final paycheck.
The Labor Department is reversing a Trump-era policy that made it easier to pay tipped workers less for their time.