
As ideological zealotry has intensified, religious faith has declined. Has one replaced the other?
It’s not your job to educate anyone. Experts recommend setting boundaries, finding community and planning for safety.
"I couldn’t help but wish I could teleport myself back in time. Kavi Sharma was exactly the doll I needed ― only 40 years too late."
He still believes in the monarchy and didn't call his family racist – confused, much?
"When I arrived at the Austin studio for my fitting for the Netflix series, I was fed the usual lines — lies — that so many actresses hear."
"I was nonbinary before there was a word for me... I’ve been called just about everything and it’s never hurt as much as being asked to be somebody else."
"I wanted to be a woman who could board a plane, fly to another country and enjoy a week alone."
Tattoos are more popular than ever, with nearly half of all millennials reporting to have at least one. But why do we get tattoos, and what do our tattoos say about us? We speak to people about the story behind their tattoos, as well as tattoo artists “Bang Bang” McCurdy and Jas Morrell about how tattoos act as an expression of self, and in turn serve as a crucial part of our identities.
"I was a different person now. I couldn’t go back to dresses, heels and lingerie."
“‘Would you and your wife like to start with something to drink?’ the waitress asked casually.”