Celeb Career Thermometer: Kendra Wilkinson vs. Jillian Harris

Can you imagine Kendra, that foul-mouthed, boob-flashing, jersey-wearing tomboy, attempting to dress a little princess every morning?
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Best Career Move of the Week: Kendra Wilkinson to Have a Boy

Former Playboy bunny and Girl Next Door, Kendra Wilkinson, announced the sex of her baby this week, and for the sake of that child we're relieved to hear it will be a boy. Not that we don't think Kendra and hubbie Hank Baskett could handle a little girl, but can you imagine the foul-mouthed, boob-flashing, jersey-wearing tomboy attempting to dress her little princess every morning? Now she can hand down all of her Kendra-isms to her little Baskett of joy without the fear of him being made fun of--or expelled--at school (although let's hope he gets his daddy's laugh, because he'd have to be one helluva stud to pull that off).

Worst Career Move of the Week: Jillian Harris Sticks By Her Man

Days after reports surfaced that winner Ed Swiderski was cheating on his Bachelorette Jillian Harris with two other women, contestant Wes Hayden came forward with a sudden memory that Swiderski had a girlfriend on the show. And though it's an obvious attempt on Hayden's part to stretch his 15-minutes, we can't understand for a second how Harris could stay with a man who's so obviously unfaithful (unless of course she was under a strict contract and being paid, but that's beside the point). Jillian, we understand you meant forever when you said it, but seriously, it's time to call it quits. Find a pint of Ben & Jerry's, rent He's Just Not That Into You, and let out a good ugly cry... Then move on, eh?

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