Sunday Morning

In 100 years they are still going to be writing movies and plays about Iraq, and my guess is that in at least one of them Madeleine Albright will be depicted as having a passionate love affair with Bill Clinton.
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Sunday morning

Captain Lipitor is on Meet the Press. Russert is not laying a glove on him.

Can't decide whether to have whole grain toast or corn flakes for breakfast.

Cheney keeps asking if the American people "have the stomach" for the war. He's saying that "our debate encourages the terrorists." I'm pretty sure he's suggesting that on some level it will be my fault if we get out of Iraq and there's another terrorist attack. I don't buy this.

Leaning toward corn flakes.

Now Cheney is blaming George "Slam Dunk" Tenet for everything.

It's hazy in Los Angeles. I wonder if it's going to burn off.

We're out of olive oil.

Why is there nothing to write on in the bedroom?

Cheney just admitted that Saddam Hussein had no connection to 9/11.

A reputable journalist I have no reason to doubt said this week that 43 per cent of the American people still believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11.

I can't stand this any longer. I'm switching to George Stephanopoulos. He's talking to a panel of journalists about the ABC docudrama about 9/11.

No question it's stupid of ABC to show Madeleine Albright and Sandy Berger doing things they absolutely did not do. Did ABC think no one would notice?

On the other hand, can't we agree that the Monica Lewinsky episode distracted Bill Clinton?

Can't we absolutely agree that if it weren't for the Monica Lewinsky episode everything would be different?

On some level, isn't Macbeth a docudrama?

Just went to the computer to Google Macbeth and it turns out that the real Macbeth was not an evil tyrant. at all. What's more, he didn't kill Duncan in bed - he killed him on the battlefield.

In 100 years they are still going to be writing movies and plays about Iraq, and my guess is that in at least one of them Madeleine Albright will be depicted as having a passionate love affair with Bill Clinton and her descendants will be nostalgic for the day when she was merely misquoted.

I'm switching back to Meet the Press. Russert is still not laying a glove on Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney is still wondering if the American people have the stomach for the war.

It's hard to imagine how anyone in power will ever be able to claim with a straight face that they deserved to be depicted accurately given how many lies they all tell.

Meet the Press is over. Thank God. Switching to CNN.

John Kerry is on Wolf Blitzer. Either he had his eyes done (and very nicely too) or they sprayed him with that new spray-on makeup they're using on television shows. Kerry's asking all the questions I wish Tim Russert has asked.

Haze is burning off.

I think I'll have breakfast.

Corn flakes.

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