Changing The Subject As Usual

Changing The Subject As Usual
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It was over thirty years ago that one of my very senior executives had told a humongous lie to our company management. When he and I had a conversation about it he said, "Norman, yes I lied to them but I would never lie to you."

Of course he wouldn't.

When listening to the "distraction" of the CIA vs. Pelosi I cannot think anything other than the CIA is in the business of deception and lying. Why do so many find it hard to believe that they are lying and Pelosi is not telling the truth.

These CIA guys lie for a living!

Beyond all of this, the "they" (whomever the "they" are) have engaged in what "they" do best which is to distract, lie, or change the subject. To me, the issue is not when or if Pelosi knew about the torture business, but rather when or if the perpetrators of torture, and the administration that ordered and condoned it, will be punished for their illegal acts.

About eight months ago I wrote an article concerning the art form of "Changing the Subject." [CTS] I said at the time that CTS is an art form practiced by, among others, husbands and politicians.

This is taken from a movie:

"Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't --
I've come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step,
cut a little swathe and lead the people on."

Those who speak on behalf of the torturers are certainly trying to "... dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't..."

Those representing the "torturers" are distracting and changing the subject by sending out their secret weapon, Dick Cheney, to tell America that we do not torture, and at the same time by doing whatever it was that we did, we collected so much information that we saved America. It amazes me that Vice President Cheney continues to avoid the legality of what was done by speaking about how effective our illegal acts proved to be. That is certainly not the answer to the question of "did you or did you not...? He has, and I believe it was his intention to CTS!

Notwithstanding this, many Republicans keep changing the subject. These are the same people who loved and adored George Bush when things were going well, and now you would think that he had a highly contagious disease the way they run away from him and his policies.

Those who read the stuff that I write know I use unacceptable metaphors that include racial, ethnic and religious stereotypes. If you happen to be sensitive about this stuff, stop now and press delete.

Nancy Pelosi is sadly not an angry woman. Why do I know that for sure you might ask? This is why:

She was asked if she had received a briefing on the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" from the CIA in 2002 when she served as the ranking Democrat member of the House Intelligence Committee. She was also asked why she did not register a complaint regarding the "enhanced interrogation techniques" or "torture" at that time.

Had I been asked this question I would have immediately attempted to remove the testicles of the person asking any question concerning what I knew and when I knew it and refused to answer the question for a couple of reasons.

Members of Congress are "informed" of countless things each day and can not be expected to get crazy about any or all of them. The media is allowing the bad guys to Change The Subject! This distraction is just that, gigantic and irrelevant CTS.

Does anyone think that when the CIA briefed congress they said something like this?

The President, in a time of war, has ordered the CIA to obtain information from any of our prisoners by illegally using torture and other enhanced techniques. This will serve to protect our country from our enemies.


The President, in a time of war, has ordered the CIA to obtain information from any of our prisoners by legally using enhanced techniques. This will serve to protect our country from our enemies.

Pick one or the other of these "versions" and I expect it was closer to the "legally" version then it was to the "illegally" one.

Sadly the people actually responsible for implementing the torture policy -- i.e., the Bush administration -- are getting a free pass from the same conservatives who are vilifying Pelosi for not protesting it if and when she had been briefed.

Again, we are experiencing another gigantic, monumental, and successful example of the former administrations' ability to CTS.

The Bush Administration lied us into a horrid war.

The Bush Administration lied when they implied we do not torture by torturing both our language and the truth.

Sad, Sad, Sad.

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