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A demagogue is a person, an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.

To treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.

A demagogue is a leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.

This works as well.

Rabble-rouser: a person who stirs up the passions or prejudices of the public, usually for his or her own interests; demagogue.

There is more but this is enough to describe the marvelous Republican choice as our next Vice President: Governor Sarah Palin, as well as her subordinate running for the Presidency, Senator John McCain.

Good Grief!

Norman Horowitz

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