Transmitting Negativity? A One Word Energy Killer to Avoid Today

What you say is an outward manifestation of what you think. What you put out into the world represents you.
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I believe words have power.

What you say is an outward manifestation of what you think. What you put out into the world represents you.

That's why I coach my clients to remove poison words out from their vocabularies.

Today, I challenge you to eliminate one word that ultimately kills the positive energy in every situation.

That word is WHATEVER.

What do you think about when you hear this word? It instantly reminds me of a rebellious teenager who is trying to be cool by acting indifferent.

Let's be honest: When you use the word "Whatever" instead of saying what you truly think, you are not only rude, but, frankly, a little dull.

"Whatever" is more than a poison word; it's the first word in a death sentence to your energy, enthusiasm, and eventually, your career.

When you say "Whatever," you hand over your power to others. You give up your voice and you're your initiative. Basically, you disappear from the conversation.

Is that how you want to be?

No! I didn't think so.

You want to shine your light in the world (and that's what I want for you, too).

When the astronauts in the international space station look down on Earth, I want them to be blinded by the light you emit! You are a beacon who is making the world a brighter, better place.

Are you one of those people who never actually say the word aloud, but think it to yourself?
(Yeah, I was guilty of that, once, too.)

Thinking "Whatever" is just as bad as speaking it aloud.

You still put out an attitude of disinterest without saying a word. And if you think people won't notice, think again. Trust me, they can sense that you aren't showing up and giving your full attention.

I remember back in my corporate days, whenever I was stuck in one of those long meetings that I had no interest being in, I would smile and be agreeable, but in my mind I was silently saying "Whatever."

During our weekly status-update meetings, we would go around the room and share our wins from the previous week and action items for the new week. Whenever a teammate shared a win, instead of celebrating with him, I said "Whatever" to myself.

I hid my real feelings because the truth is, I was envious my teammates were doing well. I was frustrated and lost, and had no clue how to get out of the rut.

Shoving your reality under the rug will only work for a while.

When you don't face the truth and accept the fact that something is not working for you, you can't find a solution.

If you are ready to throw away your "Whatever" attitude and live fully as the leader of your own life, download my free "Leadership Discovery Tool" here.

How do you want to be??

I want to be open and ambitious. I've got exciting plans to grow my business and myself.

What plans do you have moving forward?

Share them in the comments section below.


Nozomi Morgan, MBA, is a certified Executive Coach and the Founder and President of Michiki Morgan Worldwide LLC. Addition to coaching, she speaks and trains on leadership, career, professional development and cross-cultural business communication.

Visit to learn more about Nozomi . There, you can download the free Leadership Discovery Tool. Follow Nozomi on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

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