Fred Thompson: No Rush To Implement Economic Stimulus Plan

Is that gold in your pocket, Mr. Paul, or are you just happy to see me? Rudy says faulty radios on 9/11 must have been an act of God. Thompson: no rush to cure the economy.
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Is that gold in your pocket, Mr. Paul, or are you just happy to see me? Rudy says faulty radios on 9/11 must have been an act of God. Thompson: no rush to cure the economy.

The following piece was produced through the Huffington Post's OffTheBus. Edited by Richard Riehl and Denise Wheeler. Reported by Kirsten Anderson, Ken Bank, River Curtis-Stanley, Jodi Lampert, Julie Pierce, Debbi Plummer, and Theresa Weathers.


Paul's solution to the economic downturn: In a speech in Fort Mill, SC Thursday, the Do-Run-Ron explained to followers how the federal government has failed to follow the Constitution with our monetary system. "It was said that only gold and silver should be legal tender and look at what's happening to the dollar today," Paul said. Maybe gold in his pockets explains that baggy-pants look on his face.

And a bad time was had by all: In an interview with one of Florida's most influential newspapers, Rudy Giuliani hid behind the passive voice when he explained that he wasn't responsible for the faulty radio system that caused the loss of lives on 9-11. "A new system was purchased and they tried to put them in and they couldn't accomplish it," he said. That ranks up there with Rummy's claim about looting in Iraq after Saddam was toppled: "Stuff happens."

Fred matches economic plan with campaign strategy: At a stop in SC Thursday the slow-going Thompson said the nation needs to get an economic stimulus plan ready, but there's no hurry to implement it and doing nothing might leave the economy stronger. Like his campaign strategy, what's the rush?

Will Hunter return to fence building? We knew something was up when Duncan Hunter missed the filing deadline for the Kansas caucuses. Saturday the "I-built-the-California-border-fence" candidate quietly dropped out of the race. But with hundreds of miles of fence yet to be built, we expect to see him reappear again in the Spring, somewhere along the Texas border, sweltering in the sun with his fellow day-laborers, muttering to himself, "If only I'd had Mitt's money and the media hadn't hated me, I coulda been a contender."


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