McCain Campaign Press Call 5.30.08 AUDIO: Response to Senator Obama's Remarks on Iraq

McCain Campaign Press Call 5.30.08 AUDIO: Response to Senator Obama's Remarks on Iraq
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WHO: Jon Kyl, United States Senator (R-AZ), Randy Scheunemann, Senior National Security and Foreign Policy Advisor, John McCain 2008
WHAT: Press conference call on Senator McCain's May 29th foreign policy remarks and the Obama campaign's response
WHEN: Friday, May 30, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. EDT

In this call, Senator Kyl and Randy Sheneumann discuss the differences between Senator McCain's and Senator Obama's positions on Iraq. Senator Obama is targeted for his "lack of experience" and being "wedded to a narrative of failure" that is "outdated" and does not accurately reflect the "facts on the ground." Senator McCain is lauded for his "leadership" and the troop surge is described as having "significantly degraded" the Al'Qaeda presence in Iraq.

The above audio was recorded as part of the OffTheBus Listening Post project.

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