Roadkill: OffTheBus's Ongoing RoundUp of the Awkward, the Ugly, and the Just Plain Weird

Roadkill: OffTheBus's Ongoing RoundUp of the Awkward, the Ugly, and the Just Plain Weird
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Fred's big campaign promise. Richardson: close enough for guv'ment work. Dodd says he really means it this time. Romney says it's all right to be a non-believer!

The following piece was produced through the Huffington Post's OffTheBus. Edited by Richard Riehl and Denise Wheeler. Reported by Kirsten Anderson, Ken Bank, River Curtis-Stanley, Jodi Lampert, Julie Pierce, Debbi Plummer, and Theresa Weathers.


Thompson promises Mississipians a catfish in every pot! Campaigning in the Magnolia state Friday, Fred explained why he'll return to the state, "I left a restaurant that did not have catfish. I did not see one catfish in the place and I was sorely disappointed, and the next time I come I'm going to rectify that mistake." He's bringing his own catfish?

Richardson is his own fact-checker: In a campaign stop in Concord, NH Friday, the candidate explained, "The fact that I'm staying positive is a reason for my moving into double digits." Then he quickly corrected himself, "I come in and out of them." Which begs the questions, if he went negative, would he stay in one place, and where would that be?

Dodd threatens to filibuster....again: After promising, but failing, to filibuster against Mukasey, Dodd now promises to filibuster against the "motion to proceed" on the FISA bill, which would give immunity to the tele-com companies. His campaign says he'll introduce an amendment to remove that immunity, but if that doesn't work, he may "filibuster." Fool us once, shame on you...

Many Happy Returns: To celebrate the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party (December 16), Ron Paul asked each of his supporters to donate $100. To mark the 216th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights (December 15), Dennis Kucinich asked for $100 from each of his supporters. December 16th marked the 30th anniversary of the release of the classic film Saturday Night Fever. We're amazed no candidate thought to exploit that date.

Rudy talks tough: In his weekly update Guiliani says we need leadership to fix the illegal immigration problem. "If you become a citizen you have to be able to read English, write English, speak English and understand American civics," the former mayor said. Can we work on our American-born citizens first?

Do they do windows? On the Kucinich website you can click on a link to "Adopt an Intern." But the link only takes you to another make-a-donation page, with no pictures of interns to adopt, no mini-bios about their personal likes and dislikes, and most disappointingly, no lists of the skills they can offer their friendly caretakers. And didn't Bill Clinton try that a few years ago?

Freddie comes up short again: Thompson missed the mark for the Delaware primary ballot Feb 5, scraping up only 281 of the 500 signatures required for the ballot. Most of those signatures were rejected because they weren't registered Republicans. We know Delaware is a small state, but you'd think a couple of laps through Safeway could have got him over.

More Mitt Mush: At a town hall meeting in Iowa yesterday, a voter asked Mitt Romney what he thought about prayer in school. After saying we shouldn't keep God out of public places, that "In God We Trust" belongs on our coin, and that "Under God" belongs in our pledge of allegiance," Romney added. "I also believe in the right of people not to believe." But does he also believe in the right of people who don't believe to believe they don't believe?


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