Roadkill: OffTheBus's Ongoing RoundUp of the Awkward, the Ugly, and the Just Plain Weird

Dodd's down, but is he out? Does Mitt need a Huckabee vaccine more than another TV ad? Mitt gives advice to media consumers.
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Dodd's down, but is he out? Does Mitt need a Huckabee vaccine more than another TV ad? Mitt gives advice to media consumers.

The following piece was produced through the Huffington Post's OffTheBus. Edited by Richard Riehl and Denise Wheeler. Reported by Kirsten Anderson, Ken Bank, River Curtis-Stanley, Jodi Lampert, Julie Pierce, Debbi Plummer, and Theresa Weathers.


Can Chris get in a final round sucker punch? Dodd's campaign manager, Tim Tagaris, likens the weeks before the Iowa caucus to a prize fight in this email to supporters: "If you're a fan of're familiar with the phrase, 'The Championship Rounds.' Those are the final two rounds in a title match -- the rounds courage and desire carry a fighter to the final bell." Or, in this case, the rounds before Dodd is carried from the ring.

Huckabee Fever...Catch it! In a Washington Times article about the Huckabee Iowa surge, Rep. Bob Inglis, a South Carolina Republican who has endorsed Mr. Huckabee says his candidate is "the virus, and a bunch of sneezers spread it by word of mouth, forwarding their good impression of him to family members, neighbors, people on their e-mail lists, or folks at work." Wow, the Huckabee campaign sounds really...unhealthy.

And the crying Britney Spears guy will be at a pancake breakfast in Des Moines this weekend: Mike Gravel's campaign is alive and well, according to campaign director, Jose Rodriguez. "People who use the Internet like Mike Gravel...You just see his popularity by all the videos he has on YouTube and things that people make for him." Imagine all presidential campaigns based on YouTube popularity--the next debate lineup might look something like this: Chocolate Rain guy, Dramatic Prairie Dog, Chad Vader, Dog Destroying Watermelon, and oh yeah--Mike Gravel.

Candidate puts "fair" and "balanced" into perspective: At an "Ask Mitt Anything" event Romney was asked, "What can we do to stop the newspaper and television from attacking the president?" "Well," the Yoda of spin replied, "Fortunately, you can change the channels, and there are channels like FOX that gives a different perspective, and you can also go on the Internet and talk radio." In Mitt's America you can shape the news to fit your opinion.


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