Ron Paul: New Republic's Allegations Of Bigotry and Homophobia

Fred says you can go from rags to riches, just like he did. Mitt discovers the power of change all over again. Hunter vows to prove the "knuckleheads" wrong!
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Fred says you can go from rags to riches, just like he did. Mitt discovers the power of change all over again. Hunter vows to prove the "knuckleheads" wrong!

The following piece was produced through the Huffington Post's OffTheBus. Edited by Richard Riehl and Denise Wheeler. Reported by Kirsten Anderson, Ken Bank, River Curtis-Stanley, Jodi Lampert, Julie Pierce, Debbi Plummer, and Theresa Weathers.


Will the real Ron Paul, please step off the blimp: The New Republic's website suggests that the candidate of peace, Ron Paul, is actually a hate-filled bigot, with a stack of hate-filled newsletters that he no doubt doesn't recall authoring. "Am I the only one sick of hearing about the 'rights' of AIDS carriers?" one excerpt reads. Another laments the aftermath of the Chicago Bulls winning the NBA championship in 1992: "Blacks poured into the streets of Chicago in celebration. How to celebrate? How else? They broke the windows of stores to loot." Yet another notes an encounter with a reporter from a gay magazine "who certainly had an axe to grind, and that's not easy with a limp wrist."

Fred knows his base: In his latest video promoting his campaign trip to South Carolina, Thompson cozies up to his supporters, at least the ones who are rich and famous like he is. "I'm a small town boy from Tennessee who's had the opportunity to live the American dream, just like I'll bet you have..." As for the 47 million of you who don't have health insurance and live below the poverty line, I promise to keep your taxes low and government off your back.

Mitt makes another U-turn: In his final appeal to NH voters, Romney used the word "change" as his new campaign mantra, replacing "experienced, conservative CEO" in his pitch to voters. "There's a tide of change sweeping New Hampshire..." he explains in his website's new video, repeating "change" five more times in the ad. He gets our nod as the candidate who's made the most cynical change in his campaign rhetoric since Obama caught the wave.

Hillary's "Fact Hub" is all about Obama: Nine out of the latest ten entries on Clinton's "Fact Hub" web page are attacks on Barack Obama. Despite Hillary's attacks on him, we could find no negative comments about her, or any other candidate, on the Obama website. If actions speak louder than words, which candidate is playing the "politics as usual" game?

Duncan declares war against "knucklehead" media execs: "I am not going to let some arrogant knucklehead executive in a glass office 10 stories above a mall in New York City decide the outcome of this election," Hunter said two days ago about being kept out of the recent debates. "That is for the voters of New Hampshire to decide." Duncan knows if he withdraws, the knuckleheads win.

Finally, a positive Rudy clip: In the toe tapping, misty-eyed fashion of those great American anthems like God Bless America and She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain, we can now add The Rudy Anthem, which will keep you humming, long after the election's over.


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