Scenes From Primary Day
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The guys from DoubleSpeak put together a great photo montage of Election Day in Manchester:


Who the hell fed the Mogwai after midnight?!?!?!?

Writing for OffTheBus, Amanda Michel just published her observations on the Ron Paul supporters who've sprouted up across the Granite State.


Blue Hampshire's Mike Caulfield with this pic of last minute visibility as the day winds down.



DoubleSpeak just wrote in from Ward 6 in Manchester.

Nearly 2700 voters as of this point.


DoubleSpeak just posted about the near-tropical weather in Manchester this afternoon, and some campaigners who aren't taking it so well.



OffTheBus contributor Brian Lawson is reporting historic turnout across New Hampshire on his blog, NH Presidential Watch.


From Nicole Caulfield, some pics of the last minute push. Volunteers are phonebanking and out making a big push for visibility for their candidates.




OffTheBus's Amanda Michel, reporting from Concord, just spoke to two Clinton supporters who shared their thoughts on Obama's surge in popularity.

When asked if he's bothered by the growing interest in Barack Obama, Clinton supporter and Local 17 (Sheet Metal Workers International Association) member Robert Geary, pointed at me with his finger and pointedly said, "You want to know the truth? I don't want to change everything. There's just some things that really need to be fixed. Obama scares the hell out of me. Why change everything you have? There's no need to change the system, it's the best one in the world.

Nicole and Mike Caulfield have been snapping pics in New Hampshire of how the day is unfolding in Keene and at John Edwards' Keene HQ. For more great primary coverage, be sure to check out Mike's work on

Voters hit the polls in Ward 5, in Keene.

In Keene's Ward 5, supporters hope to win over last minute undecided voters. They've abandoned the public squares and rotaries downtown they worked last week, and instead are focusing on visibility at the polls.

Granny D makes last minute dials for John Edwards this morning in Edwards' Keene office. Granny D came to national prominence for her cross-country walk to highlight the need for campaign finance reform and her 2004 US Senate bid.

January 7:

Obama's Packed House In Lebanon, NH

'Mac Is Back': NH McCain Rally

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