Republicans on a Road to Nowhere

Tonight, I send out a little musical sympathy and tribute to the right wing. Sucks to be exposed as wholesale frauds, crooks and bigots, eh?
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Tonight, I send out a little musical sympathy and tribute to the right wing. Sucks to be exposed as wholesale frauds, crooks and bigots, eh? Well, fire up a doobie, score some oxycontin and enjoy the ride. -- Pach

Well we know where we're going

Larry O'Donnell: Libby is Guilty.

But we don't know where we've been

Christy Hardin Smith on the Dusty Foggo GOP hooker cab rides and payola schemes.

And we know what we're knowing

But we can't say what we've seen

And we're not little children

Media Matters on Bill O'Reilly arguing that a sexually abused 15 year old kidnapping victim had "fun" and "liked his circumstances."

And we know what we want

DaliyKos diarist Vyan chimes in on the American trend to place immigrants in 21st century concentration camps.

And the future is certain

Give us time to work it out

Wikipedia definition of a Friedman Unit


We're on a road to nowhere

Come on inside

Taking that ride to nowhere

We'll take that ride

I'm feeling okay this morning

And you know

We're on the road to paradise

Here we go, here we go

We're on a ride to nowhere

Come on inside

The Washington Post reports the courageous presidential hopeful John McCain skipped today's Iraq war resolution vote for a campaign stop in Iowa.

Taking that ride to nowhere

We'll take that ride

Pew Research looks at the words Americans use to describe their president:

Maybe you wonder where you are

I don't care

The Washington Post reports on Bush rejecting the Iraq Study Group Report, in advance of his wildly unpopular escalation strategy.

Here is where time is on our side

Newsweek on Bush's belief that history will vindicate him, Harry Truman-like.

Take you there, take you there

We're on a road to nowhere (ha! ha!)

We're on a road to nowhere (ha! ha!)

We're on a road to nowhere (ha! ha!)

There's a city in my mind

Sadly, No! gives us the winger's imaginary vision of Baghdad.

Come along and take that ride

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

And it's very far away

But it's growing day by day

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

Would you like to come along

You can help me sing this song

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

They can tell you what to do

But they'll make a fool of you

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

There's a city in my mind

Come along and take that ride

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

Lamentable poll numbers for GOP presidential hopefuls.

And it's very far away

But it's growing day by day

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

And would you like to come along

You can help me sing this song

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

They can tell you what to do

But they'll make a fool of you

The Catholic League's Bill Donohue and the "gook joke."

And it's all right, baby, it's all right

We're on a road to nowhere (hey!)

We're on a road to nowhere (heugh!)

We're on a road to nowhere (ha! ha!)

We're on a road to nowhere

Pachacutec blogs at Firedoglake.

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