Viva La Vulva! -- The Pussy Revolution

When women are objectified, they can't possibly be represented fairly so laws that benefit them become irrelevant. Equal pay for women is far from a priority if what you really are focused on is how they walk down a runway in stilettos.
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Outside of a zombie apocalypse, I have no other way to explain this election. I'm waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come running out explaining how we, America, have been royally punked. That would be the only rational explanation of current events.

Most recently, Trumps misogynist remarks have made headlines. Duh, he objectifies women. He produced a contest that gives women points based on what they look like in bikinis and how perfect their cleavage looks in a ball gown. So yes, he sees women as objects for his pleasure. He's fat-shamed woman for years, because they are not pleasing to his eye. He wants women to look like supermodels and when they do, he admitted to "just grabbing them." Like a toddler and his shiny fire truck.

When women are objectified, they can't possibly be represented fairly so laws that benefit them become irrelevant. Equal pay for women is far from a priority if what you really are focused on is how they walk down a runway in stilettos.

When Trump bragged how when he wants a woman, he just grabs them by the pussy, I was initially confused. Does he know anatomy? We don't have anything to grab on to, Donald. Our balls are internal and you can't grab them. They are protected from asshats like you. Divine wisdom, I suppose. They're tucked inside, far away from your grimy, entitled hands. They are powerful tools we women possess, and must be protected at all costs.

A man who brags about grabbing women by their genitalia cannot run a country where women live. He cannot possibly make sound decisions about rape victim rights, wage gap, Planned Parenthood funding or maternity leave. He cannot be our representative. Ever.

I can't raise my sons and daughter in a country where a man who objectifies and demeans women rises to the top. How can I teach my sons that a woman's body was created for her own pleasure when a man like Trump may be the leader of the Free World? How can I teach them a woman's body is her vessel to create children, finish triathlons, do impossible yoga poses, or simpler Netflix and chill poses? How can I explain in no uncertain terms that her body does not exist for mans pleasure? It's hard enough to raise sons in 2016 with the barrage of pornographic media and magazine covers that scream " Look at her beautiful bikini body! Ignore her ideas and creativity!" How can I teach my boys that her body isn't something to dissect or critique when there are actual numeric values assigned to these magazine cover girls?? How can I relay the message that they have no business commenting on someone's body unless they're her primary care physician? It's become nearly impossible and I am sad for our boys.

If Trump wins (Heaven Forbid), women should start their own independent country of Estrogenistan. We will start the Pussy Revolution and revolt against misogyny. Viva La Vulva!

But what will happen to the boys?

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