Health Is The New Wealth: Living The New Wellness Paradigm

As I was growing up, my mom always told me wealth means NOTHING without good health. Truly enjoying your financial and personal successes count for less when you are not in the best of health.
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As I was growing up, my mom always told me wealth means NOTHING without good health. Truly enjoying your financial and personal successes count for less when you are not in the best of health.

These days we all seem to be trying to be healthier. We strive to eat healthy, exercise more, and balance our lifestyle between career/work, family and independent time. This idea is everywhere in our pop culture, and Americans alone spend upwards of $40 billion on this idea every year.

So if we're all trying to achieve that healthy life that our mothers wished for us, why do we feel like something is still missing? Are we just like hamsters on the wheel, constantly running nowhere? How do we acquire that "joie de vie"? How do we create a lifestyle that promotes a healthy life and longevity?

Well, I've got news for you, and it's the news you need to know: Your wellness is NOT solely determined by eating healthy foods and exercising or moving your body daily.

Don't get me wrong, they're still a very important part of the big picture, but the new model for wellness is much bigger than you, or even your Mom, could imagine!

This model is built upon many pillars of health including:

- Nutrition

- Exercise

- Lifestyle

- Genetics

- Environmental factors

- Emotional health

- Adaptability to stress

- Personal perceptions

These factors can impact your overall health, and not just today, but for 10, 50, even 100 years from now. The model for true health is about creating vibrant health, not just for today, but into your 100s.

There is a new generation of centenarians who are living healthy lives into their 100s! These folks are able to bypass many age-related illnesses and live darn good lives! And, no, there is no Fountain of Youth, and its not due to a miracle pill, vitamin or ancient herb.

Let me explain.

Many studies have been completed on centenarians to determine the variables that increase their opportunities to live so long. Thomas Perls, founder and director of the New England Centenarians study at Boston University, did just that.

He determined "it's NOT just good genes" that make you age defying and healthy. Perl's work (published about a year ago) cites that centenarians possessed gene "variants" that when activated can disarm the genes that can cause illness or disease.

Moreover, recent University of Georgia research correlates centenarian longevity to one's ability to adapt to everyday stressors in life.The more we can adapt, the more resilient we become.

So how will YOU adapt and become resilient?

The new wellness paradigm is pretty powerful but will require you to broaden your perspectives about how you view and practice the many disciplines of great health.

The good news is this. You don't need an expensive pill or prescription to make this happen! The only medicine you need is already inside of you... your biological "inner pharmacy". Remember, at every single moment of every single day, your body is either "growing" or "slowing", using bodily energy to keep your body functioning optimally.

When you can uncover how to help your whole self, and enhance every single beautiful gene strand and cell you were born with, you'll be able to understand the simple complexity of you body's ability to stay young and healthy. And when you have this understanding, you'll be able to attune your whole self to create great health.

So what will your choices be? How will YOU create momentum toward becoming more resilient and adaptable to life's ebb and flow? Yes, there WILL be low tides, high tides, bumps, riptides, fat waves and maybe even a few tsunamis along the way. So "open up" to the new wellness paradigm and discover a new world of ideas and disciplines to make you your healthiest you!

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