Can We Just Celebrate for One Minute Please?

There was this moment yesterday, when Facebook turned into a sea of rainbows. When the White House turned the color of Pride. When the Gay Men's Chorus sang The National Anthem in front of the Supreme Court after the ruling and people around this country cheered and cried together.
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There was this moment yesterday, when Facebook turned into a sea of rainbows. When the White House turned the color of Pride. When the Gay Men's Chorus sang The National Anthem in front of the Supreme Court after the ruling and people around this country cheered and cried together.

That was yesterday. Today, Facebook is swamped with messages of all the places that LGBTQ rights in our country are in the toilet. And you know what? I'm pissed off.

Yes, I know that:

Black Trans and Queer people are subject to police scrutiny everyday.
LGBTQ people can be fired without recourse because of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Undocumented LGBTQ individuals can be deported, detained, abused and even tortured.
That 40% of homeless youth are LGBTQ youth.
LGBTQ people face all kinds of harassment and discrimination on a daily basis.

But, people; we are having a fucking moment in our country where children will grow up knowing that they are able to marry anyone that they want for the first time ever. We see Transgender people on the cover of Time Magazine. Just this week, Mac S. McGregor, a transgender activist from Seattle met with Border Patrol to educate them about transgender and gender non-conforming people so that they can travel internationally without harassment. It was a packed room.

A symbol of hate: the Confederate Flag is DOWN. And in the middle of some historical GOOD NEWS everyone feels the need to tell us about all of the shit that is sticking to our shoes.REALLY?

Life is a freaking paradox. We also live in a world where children are also starving every day and where infertile women are burned and stoned. Where innocent people are killed in their houses of worship because of the color of their skin. Polar Bears are dying because we are killing our earth.

The list of pain and injustice is forever and unfortunately shall be with us forever. Families have private tragedies that rock their very foundations. And every once in a while; we win one.

Can we just celebrate this moment without having to name all of the OTHER awful injustices in the LGBTQ community and the rest of the world?

Can we leave it for a DAY? A week? Can we just hold onto this thought that #LOVEWINS for a minute?

Cherish the win. Let the rainbows fly. And honor that in our life time; children will be born into a world where they can marry anyone that they want in the United States of America and activists that have been fighting and dedicating their entire being for a LIFETIME around LGBTQ rights have gotten to live to see the day that this incredible cultural shift is law.

For just a minute - I want to hold that.

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