For MTV's 'Real World' There's No Place Like Nome

For MTV's 'Real World' There's No Place Like Nome
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For MTV's 'Real World' There's No Place Like Nome

MTV's 'Real World' announced its latest destination - Nome, Alaska. An MTV spokeswoman insisted the choice was not made because the show had already been everywhere else. In fact, the MTV spokeswoman related, "Five super hot horny hunks, five nympho-maniacal, surgical-enhanced, amoral coeds with only each other to generate heat. Trust us; the pipe line won't be the only thing getting laid in Alaska."

MTV believes its formula of promiscuous young people; plenty of alcohol and a place where the nights are 18 hours long should make Alaska party central. Nome cast members will call a 10,000 square foot, totally state of the art igloo home. "We believe everyone's going to having an Arctic blast," the MTV spokeswoman assured.

And, to the question of how to maintain MTV's hipness factor, MTV responded that it's all in how you look at it. For example, one person's spear fishing is another person's "all you can eat, live sushi bar."

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