HuffPost Religion Round-Up, September 11-18

Koren Zen Masters, Pat Roberston, immigration, status Of women in the Bible, Our Lady Of Guadalupe, and designing our own religion -- it has been a busy week on HuffPost Religion.
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It has been a busy week on HuffPost Religion. Last Sunday we remembered the horror of 9/11, considered how far we have or have not come, and sought healing and hope. Our 9/11 prayer is that religion will continue to become more of a "bridge of cooperation than a bomb of destruction."

Pat Robertson (the "gift" that keeps on giving) told a struggling husband that he could divorce his wife suffering from Alzheimer's, which prompted one HuffPost Religion blogger and chaplain to dementia patients to gently offer a different interpretation -- earning Lynn Casteel Harper the "post of the week" award!

A Korean Zen Master with a lineage that extends back to the Buddha encouraged the spiritual discipline of doubt, we pondered the latest interplay between the meditation and neuroscience and were instructed to think about no-thought. Whew, enlightenment sure is hard work!

Our Lady of Guadalupe got a salute as we learned how Mother Mary's identification with an oppressed native woman outside of Mexico City turned into a powerful symbol for Mexican independence, reminding us that big events can emerge from small yet faithful origins.

Spirituality and religion provided resources for liberation in many areas this week including a lesson on immigration, the status of women, unemployment, healthcare and the staying of the execution of Duane Buck. While nobody denies that religion provides too, too much cover for bigotry and subjugation, it has also provided a clear moral voice including against the scourge of slavery .

Religious people should understand the choice our traditions places before us and choose the blessing rather than the curse.

Finally, HuffPost Religion reporter Jaweed Kaleem and I had a great time at the Religion Newswriters conference in Durham, N.C. We met old and new friends including Laura Silver, who won an award for her awesome writing on HuffPost Religion, as well as the great folks covering religion at AP and Religion News Service, which we carry on HuffPost.

It was especially fun to see Cathy Grossman, whose piece on designing your own faith happened to be featured on HuffPost Religion that same day. Perhaps some HuffPost Religion user is being inspired to create a brand new religion at this very moment. Just remember us when you make it big.

We pray that you will be well and do well this week.

Peace. Peace. Peace.

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