What Is Sanders's Single Issue?

What Is Sanders's Single Issue?
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At the Democratic Presidential Primary Debate on February 11, 2016 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Secretary Clinton essentially called Bernie Sanders a single-issue candidate.

But I'm a bit confused by this message (the sixth or so message we've heard) from Clinton. Can someone please tell me what, exactly, is Sanders's single issue? Clinton didn't specify what she thought it was. And, I can't figure out which of these 63 issues (and I probably missed a few) Sanders has raised during this campaign, which I've been tracking, she was referring to:

Perhaps Clinton is too busy raising money for her campaign and has only had time to focus on one of Sanders's many issues; of course, she still has yet to say which one that is. As someone who walks the walk, Sanders doesn't do any fundraising, especially from big money interests and large campaign contributors. Thus, he's free to spend time doing other things like focusing on the issues and leading the political revolution that is engaging or re-engaging tens of millions of people into the political process:

This is the promise of America, and this is the promise we must keep alive for future generations. What began last week in Iowa, what voters here in New Hampshire confirm tonight, is nothing short of the beginning of a political revolution.

It is a political revolution that will bring tens of millions of our people together. It will bring together working people who have given up on the political process. It will bring together young people who have never participated in the political process. It will bring together blacks, and whites, latinos, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, straight and gay, male and female. People who were born in America, and people who immigrated here.

We will all come together to say loudly, and clearly that the government of our great nation belongs to all of us, not just a few wealthy campaign contributors. That is what this campaign is about, that is what the political revolution is about. [source]

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