We find out Hillary Clinton is Actually a Superwoman

We find out Hillary Clinton is Actually a Superwoman
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Well we finally know about Hillary's health and we find out like so many other women she's super human. On Friday we saw Hillary at a meeting with advisers on national security after which she held a detailed press conference. Following that she did an interview with Chris Cuomo. That same evening she first attended a reception and took pictures with about 100 individuals all who wanted a word or two with her. She then went out and gave a great speech to about 1000 people.


Today after standing in 80 degree heat and humidity for an hour and a half, meeting with the families of the victims of 9/11, she left feeling ill and faint and stopped at her daughter's apartment to cool off and relax. Then she leaves her daughter's apartment and stops to chat with a little girl and wave to well-wishers saying she felt much better.

The media goes wild with speculation before we find out on Friday, in the middle of that crazy schedule, Hillary had been diagnosed with pneumonia. You show me one man who would be able to do what she has done keeping to that incredible schedule. Most men I know when they get the sniffles take to their beds wanting to be waited on hand and foot.

It's time the media stopped this double standard and treated Clinton's campaign as they would anyone else's. She is human after all. All the health information we ever got from Donald Trump was what sounded like a phony doctor's note of the kind a teenager could forge to take to their teacher to get out of doing something. Kind of makes sense as Trump usually sounds like a nasty teenager when he isn't making statements making him sound to the world more like Hitler or Mussolini.

Hillary Clinton has released 33 years of her and her husband's taxes, Trump has yet to release any. We have no idea what Russian banks or oligarchs he owes money too. The media reports on the Clinton Foundation which has done nothing wrong while the Trump Foundation has been fined for lying and misusing funds. The media demands the Clinton's separate from their Foundation but hasn't even asked what Trump will do about his businesses of which we aren't even sure what they are since he is being secretive about them.

The time is now for the American people to stand up and demand the media stop babying Trump. He is not running for City Council he is running to be President of the United States and the leader of the free world.

We are heading into the final 58 days of the campaign. Matt Lauer who in a recent turn as moderator proved he isn't really a journalist only joined a whole slew of others who claim they are journalists yet are failing the test in this campaign.

If Trump should win without the American public knowing any more about him than we do now the media will be held responsible. All we know now because the media hasn't done their job is the crap he spouts which proves he is a sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, bully. They don't bother to call him on his daily lies and let his surrogates spout a pile of BS without calling them on anything.

After the Lauer fiasco the New York Times finally editorialized on this but they are as guilty as anyone else of sloppy reporting on this campaign. It is time the media take a look in the mirror and accept they haven't been doing their jobs and come to grips with the fact that if they don't start now it may be too late.

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