
The former president reportedly gave contributors the unsurprising lowdown on pics with him at Mar-a-Lago.
“The racist actions in the video were those of an individual and are antithetical to the values of Phi Delta Theta," the fraternity wrote this weekend.
The former president's niece declared "nobody is stopping him" after Judge Juan Merchan warned that he could face jail time for continued gag order violations.
The former Republican National Committee chair also exposed the "fallacy" of what the presumptive GOP nominee claims ahead of the 2024 election.
"It fills an emotional need for Donald Trump but it does not really help him," said the conservative attorney.
Some attendees at a recent rally for the former president had a hard time when pressed on some of their beliefs.
Hicks had “one major question” and her response to then-Obama aide Psaki’s comment was in hindsight -- amid Trump's trial -- “interesting," said the now-MSNBC anchor.
The Arizona senator issued a warning after the Republican Senate candidate in the state told voters to "strap on a Glock" ahead of the election.
"It actually undercuts one of the defense assertions that they’re trying to use to wiggle out of Trump’s criminal responsibility for this," said Glenn Kirschner.
Critics are wondering how and why this new video from the independent presidential candidate ever got released.