Women: How to Stand Out in a Male Dominated Workplace

Women: How to Stand Out in a Male Dominated Workplace
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As a female, what is the best way to stand out in a male-dominated profession? originally appeared on Quora - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights.

Answer by Teuila Hanson, Senior VP, HR and Diversity & Inclusion at Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco, on Quora.

  1. Be intentional. What do you want them to think, feel, act or say? Being deliberate about the experience that you want people to have when you interact with them is critical to standing out in any situation.
  2. Tell stories. We, as humans, love to hear a story and stories are easy to remember. Thinking about how you can get your point across through a story is a powerful way to influence others in a non-threatening way.
  3. Ask the right question. I took a coaching class a few years ago, and I learned that most people don't listen intently. We tend to listen just enough to formulate a response and we tune out. If you can learn to listen to others to not just understand them, but to put yourself in their shoes, and then you ask questions that demonstrate that you are trying to further understand their viewpoint - you will stand out because it is a skill that not a lot of people have mastered.
This question originally appeared on Quora. - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
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