First California, Then...? Rick Perry Is Our Next National Disaster

First California, Then...? Rick Perry Is Our Next National Disaster
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Hey y'all. How's that day job going for you?

Yeah, I'm with you. The five-day work week is so done. Apparently Rick Perry agrees with you, because he's currently taking a summer vacation, celebrity-rehab-style, in Beverly Hills.

"Part-Time Perry," as the Bill White campaign and most anyone who's been paying attention in Texas likes to call him, has been enjoying Britney-esque accommodations at The Peninsula in Beverly Hills and The Standard, "a chic mecca," in Hollywood, according to Vanity Fair.

Speaking of cheap meccas, our very own state of Texas, a mecca over the last ten years for seemingly cheap national disasters like George W. Bush and, God forbid, Rick Perry, is evidently becoming a summer hot-spot for... well, everyone else living in Texas.

Yes, even though Part-Time Perry chooses to soak up the California sun while letting the AC run in his taxpayer-funded rental mansion, according to a June 2010 survey by AAA Texas, "Texans are more likely to take vacations within the state this summer than they have for two summers." This probably has something to do with most everyone in Texas other than Rick Perry being broke.

But who am I to judge? I just live here. And, unfortunately, pay for Rick Perry to live here.

Part-Time Perry's latest trip to California simply underscores his clear disinterest in the state of affairs in Texas--you know, that unseemly 18 billion dollar budget deficit--and bears an eerily similar tone to his predecessor in the Governor's mansion's refrain of "Go shopping more" as a solution to our economic woes. What is it with Republicans thinking that a shopping spree or a ritzy vacation binge is going to solve the world's problems? Did they watch too much of The Price Is Right as children?

Either way, I hope Perry enjoys his time in SoCal. Hopefully he doesn't run into too many disenfranchised Latinos while he's there whom he's also made promises to through his Hispanic Republicans of Texas PAC. But, if he does, he's in the right place. He can always check into Promises Treatment Center a la Lindsay Lohan, a favorite Hollywood celebrity destination for broken promises. He's so good at those, you'd think he was born a celebrity.

But just wait until he goes national. Why, then... he'll really be a star.

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