Morning Links: Drug War Air Force, "Opening Our Aperature" To Killing Children, Prosecutorial Chicanery In Zimmerman Case

Morning Links: Drug War Air Force, "Opening Our Aperature" To Killing Children, Prosecutorial Chicanery In Zimmerman Case
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-- Prosecution in the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case is withholding evidence. That includes sending the defense a black and white, photocopies photo of Zimmerman taken after he killed Martin that shows him with a bloodied nose and mouth.

-- Official with the U.S. Marines says that in addition to adult male insurgents, they're "looking for children with potential hostile intent" to kill with airstrikes. I'd submit that when you think you have no choice but to start killing children, it's time to get the hell out.

-- Now: The U.S. is assembling a $10 billion air force of mercenaries to fight the drug war. This won't end well. Or more likely, it just won't end.

-- Chicago cop writing a parking ticket interrupted by a 20-pound, tail-wagging, 7-month-old show dog who slipped out of his owner's house. Cop shoots dog. Owners go to media. Senior-level Chicago cops pay owners a visit for going to the media, write the another ticket for having the dog off-leash.

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