Fogies for McCain III

Keep working hard, all you Obama fans, because one mistake could mean the difference of a McCain loss or victory. One more "Joe the Plummer", or Joe O'Biden slip of the lip, could ruin it all.
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Sorry the numbers are a little late this week, Cynthia Turner and Cynopsis received them late themselves.

Here is the continuation of our weekly presentation of the viewing numbers of FoxNews versus the viewing numbers of the combined CNN/MSNBC audience as an indication of voting trends. Again, we presume Fox viewers to be Republicans and CNN/MSNBC voters as Democrats.

In primetime, this week's results come in nearly identical to last week's, with Obama maintaining his 7 point lead on McCain in total audience, 53.5% to 46.5%. His demographic lead, again, is greater with the younger audience, pulling in 62.3 % of the 25-54 year old audience, 66.3% of the 18-49 year olds, and finishing up strong with 73.6% of the 18-34 year olds.

The total day viewing numbers are similar to primetime, with Obama winning 53.4% of the total audience, 62% of the 25-54 year olds, 66% of the 18-49 year olds, and 71.9% of the 18-34s.

Before the reader gets too excited with this week's results: I am reminded of an interview I did with Larry O'Brien, Presidential campaign manager for Kennedy in 1960, and for Humphrey in 1968. He told me that momentum, the Big Mo, should never be underestimated, and that if either election had taken place on Thursday rather than on the Tuesday it occurred, the outcome would've gone the other way.

So keep working hard, all you Obama fans, because one mistake could mean the difference of a McCain loss or victory. One more "Joe the Plummer", or Joe O'Biden slip of the lip, could ruin it all.

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