Give America a REAL Raise

America's working families deserve a straight up-or-down vote on a clean bill that simply increases the minimum wage to $7.25, not a bill loaded with tax breaks for special interests and the wealthy.
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Republicans in Congress are staging a publicity stunt with a vote on increasing the minimum wage that includes "poison pill" legislation -- the estate tax reduction and other tax cuts for the wealthy. The Senate has already rejected, on a bipartisan basis, proposals that combine the estate tax with extensions of tax cuts. This minimum wage increase will therefore not be enacted. America's working families will still be forced to live on $5.15 an hour, as they have since the minimum wage as last raised 10 years ago.

America's working families need a new direction for their economic security. They deserve a straight up-or-down vote on a clean bill that simply increases the minimum wage to $7.25, not a bill that is loaded with tax breaks for special interests and the wealthy.

In August, Republican Members of Congress will go home to their districts for the entire month and campaign on their vote to "increase" in the minimum wage, which is nothing more than a political ploy. This bill will not become law. Voters have told me time and again that they are sick of the way Washington works. This vote is a prime example of underhanded Republican political ploys.

Come November, voters are going to know the difference between candidates who support an increase in the minimum wage and incumbents who voted for an increase that is loaded with special interest perks. Democrats will continue to fight for a clean bill on increasing the minimum wage, because America's working families deserve nothing less.

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