A Defining American Moment: Honoring Coretta Scott King

What America witnessed yesterday was evidence of a lifetime commitment to equality, respect, and truth. What better way to honor her than speaking out at an event celebrating her life? It was a defining American moment.
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A New York Times' headline this morning read, href="http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/08/national/08king.html">"At Mrs. King's Funeral, a Mix of Elegy and Politics." The headline fits well for a woman's life that exemplified the fight for social and economic justice.

Coretta Scott King carried on her husband's legacy for decades after his death. Yesterday at her funeral, clergy, former U.S. presidents, and activists honored her memory by talking about
the principle for which she fought so hard -- civil rights. I agree with Donna
that yesterday's remarks fit into the great civil rights tradition of "speaking truth to power."

A similar ceremony took place following the tragic death of Sen. Paul Wellstone, another one of our nation's great champions of social and economic justice.

What America witnessed yesterday at Mrs. King's funeral was evidence of a lifetime commitment to equality, respect, and truth. What better way to honor her than speaking out at an event celebrating her
life? It was a defining American moment.

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