Where There Is Love, the Sacred Is in Our Midst

As religious leaders, we celebrate the Supreme Court decisions on marriage equality and that the Defense of Marriage Act has been declared unconstitutional.
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As religious leaders, we celebrate the Supreme Court decisions on marriage equality and that the Defense of Marriage Act has been declared unconstitutional.

The faiths we affirm challenge us to speak and act for justice for all who seek to express their love in the commitment of marriage. We find support for marriage equality in our scriptures and our traditions in their overriding messages about love, justice, and inclusion of the marginalized. Many religious traditions already perform marriages for same-sex couples; at least a dozen Christian denominations and Jewish movements, allow their clergy to perform marriage or union ceremonies for same-sex couples. As religious leaders, we affirm that persons of all sexual orientations should have the right to civil marriage and its benefits. As our traditions affirm, where there is love, the sacred is in our midst.

The United States is one of the most diverse religious countries in the world. We affirm that religious denominations must have the right to discern who is eligible for marriage in their own tradition. In addition, all clergy should be free to solemnize marriages without state interference based on their own traditions and conscience. Same sex couples in every state must have the right to legal marriage.

We join with millions of people of faith in celebrating today. We pledge to continue our work for marriage equality and relational justice for all.
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The Religious Institute is a multifaith organization advocating for sexuality education, sexual health, and sexual justice in America's faith communities and society. More than 6300 religious leaders from more than 70 faith traditions are part of its national network.

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