The Most Important Election?

It's not hype to say that this is the most important American election in history.
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It's not hype to say that this is the most important American election in history. I'm saying that because FDR was already in office when the Second World War started. And Lincoln was established before before the Civil War began.

Not only is there no incumbent President or Vice President on the ballot this time, this election has boiled down to "Who are we?" and "What is America?"

I don't think most people understand how dangerous it would be to elect the Republican ticket in 2008. I believe McCain is a genuinely dangerous person. And his age is not the point. I know people in their eighties who are very sharp. My concerns about McCain involve his well-documented anger management problems that exhibit a troubling personality trait for the world's most powerful leader. It's an anger that seemingly underscores much of what he does. And it's an anger, in particular, for people who question his judgement.

Keep in mind for someone with such oversized pride and ego who is so enamored with himself coupled with a hair triggger temper (that could be more unfettered if Senator McCain is elected) to be entrusted with the fate of humanity cannot be comforting.

As for Obama, here's the community organizer, Harvard Law student, freshman senator who dares to run for president against the incredibly imposing Clinton machine, which was considered the most powerful, the most well-connected in modern political history. Hillary Clinton thought she was going to stride right into the White House. Both Hillary and McCain are flabbergasted at this young man who spoiled their runs. And Obama hasn't just beat these old political machines; he's done while redefining how candidates raise money-through small donations, not from fat cats.

Every black kid in America will be one inch taller the day after Obama is elected. The rest of the world will see that we're not the warmongers they think we are. And in the Arab world, this will help heal the scars of Abu Ghraib.

There will be a collective sigh of relief from both our friends and enemies.

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