An Open Letter to Wikipedia

An Open Letter to Wikipedia
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Dear Wikipedia,

I'm flattered that you decided to do a biography of me and my band in your e-cyclopedia. However, the fact that you got my name wrong (Richard Auguste Morse, NOT Richard Andrew Morse) and the fact that you got my birth date wrong (1957, NOT 1961) and the fact that you confused the owner of the Hotel Oloffson with his now deceased son makes me wonder if you really are a reference source or just someone's folly, someone's waste of time.

I tried doing the corrections myself but the errors to the text are so fundamentally flawed that the edits didn't go through. Should I hire a lawyer, an agent, a manager or perhaps an e-gent to bring this matter to your attention? Sometimes magazines and newspapers have a staff position called a fact-checker in which said magazine or newspaper will actually hire some one to check facts before publication. Perhaps you should consider this option. I'm assuming that ALL entries to Wikipedophile (oh I'm sorry, did I get that name wrong?) are as flawed as the one I was able to verify.


Richard Auguste Morse
Born 1957

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