Celebrate Brooklyn Gets Visual

Be prepared to love the hell out of Celebrate Brooklyn's first foray into visual arts programming when they join forces with Andres Levin and The Bruce High Quality Foundation on July 24th!
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You know Celebrate Brooklyn because they're your go-to, outdoor, free concerts in Prospect Park. You were there in the rain for TV On The Radio. You saw Doctor Dog there last summer and were all, "Yeah, I liked Doctor Dog, like, in college, and it's so rad they're, like, playing the bandshell now, you know?" You totally got there mad early for David Byrne, and it was even awesomer than you dreamed it would be. You even (reluctantly) rocked out next to the dude in the Abercrombie polo during Passion Pit, which you had to admit was a damn fun time. So be prepared to love the hell out of Celebrate Brooklyn's first foray into visual arts programming when they join forces with Andres Levin and The Bruce High Quality Foundation on July 24th! Producer/artist Andres Levin and artist collective The Bruce High Quality Foundation are presenting Field of Dreams, a one-day celebration of do-it-yourself art and music on July 24th starting at 4PM. Artists and musicians are encouraged to participate in what promises to be World Fair '39 meets Summer of '69 all to suit and salute the recession of '09. Come out to the bandshell and enjoy art for the people by the people.

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