Father's Day for Peace

With the help of David Arquette and No More Victims, you can make a contribution that will help Abdul Hakeem, a young Iraqi boy badly injured in the war, get the medical attention he needs.
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I never had a clue what to get my father for Father's Day. He didn't wear ties (a tradition I proudly follow), was totally uninterested in things like cars, and ran from the sight of tools (hanging a picture was the extent his ability, and mine). So there were many years of fruitless searching and choosing silly stuff that was immediately forgotten. Books always worked, but in the later years, it was hard for him to concentrate. If he were alive, I think he would be very pleased with the Father's Day Gift Brave New Foundation has created.

With the help of David Arquette and the wonderful heroes at No More Victims, you can make a contribution that will help Abdul Hakeem, a young Iraqi boy badly injured in the war, get the medical attention he needs. Your donation will help bring Abdul Hakeem and his father Ismaeel to the U.S. so Abdul Hakkem can receive reconstructive facial surgery. A practical, humane, meaningful but not self-righteous gift. I wish I had been able to give this Father's Day gift to my dad -- he would have appreciated it.

I hope many of you will choose to honor your father by joining us at Brave New Foundation by recognizing your dad in a way that lasts way beyond June 17th. And, in a way that lets fathers know, we have learned some real lessons of life. Thanks Dad.

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