From experience, I know the best guides are all of you. What are the key issues and questions that we should be focused on now regarding Afghanistan?
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As I prepare for my trip to Afghanistan, part of our Rethink Afghanistan documentary campaign, I find myself devouring every book and article I can. The goal is to understand as much as possible before I arrive in Afghanistan.

The big focus is to ask the questions. And from experience, I know the best guides are all of you. When I went on The Colbert Report, many of you provided me with smart ideas, good frames and perspective. When I testified before Congress, the support and input from many of you was critical to fighting off the attacks.

What are the key issues and questions that we should be focused on now regarding Afghanistan?
  • What would you like to learn from an Afghan blogger? How does she/he reach their audience? How do they interact online? How do they deal with lack of internet access?
  • If you were in the room with me, what would you ask members of the Afghan peace movement?
  • In interviewing Afghan elected officials, what interests you? What do you want to know?
  • As the stakes rise in this war and Afghanistan moves to the forefront of people's awareness, we are hearing over and over from various experts and pundits that we must do 'xyz' so the Afghan people will do 'abc'. But I see very few conversations with the wise women and men of Afghanistan -- leaders, writers, thinkers, and activists.

    So join me by sending your questions and thoughts; I will consider all of them as I cull ideas. We are also well aware of the very serious security issues, and we are taking all precautions.

    I look forward to sending you reports via video blogs and Twitter. I can't count on Internet connection while I'm abroad, but I will have my Blackberry with me and will be doing everything possible to get regular video blogs out. In the meantime, you can sign up to receive my dispatches from Afghanistan here.

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