Obama: Hold A Real Jobs Fair; Not A Useless Jobs Summit

The Jobs Summit will involve lots of talking and picture-taking to try to make it look as if the administration is actually taking steps to solve the massive unemployment problem. It won't result in a single job.
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The Jobs Summit to be held this week at the White House will provide no new jobs for any of the large number of Americans who are now unemployed.

With the official unemployment rate at 10.2% and the unofficial rate, which is nearly 18% and probably the more accurate figure, the American public will be treated to a charade of highly paid CEOs of some of America's leading firms talking about unemployment without actually creating a single job.

The Jobs Summit will involve lots of talking and picture-taking to try to make it look as if the Obama administration is actually taking steps to solve the massive unemployment problem now facing the country.

Why not open the gates of the White House to real job seekers?
Instead of well paid executives and other leaders speaking about what could be done hold a jobs fair and have these executives from Google and Disney and other Fortune 500 companies stand at the White House gates and collect resumes. These executives could have actual jobs available and they could hire people on the spot.

This certainly would be a much more positive-not to mention very uplifting event-than a meaningless Jobs Summit. There seems to be a real lack of empathy for the suffering going on across America by the Obama Administration. Frankly, it seems way out of character for Obama who campaigned for the presidency as a populist who would put people to work.

Why isn't the Obama Administration taking a page out of FDR's job creation program in the 1930s? They should be starting some large scale government programs that put people to work immediately.This would relieve much of the pain of the unemployed with a paycheck unlike the jobs supposedly created by the stimulus that cannot actually be documented.

Where is the passion and the concern from Obama for the unemployed? It does not seem very apparent at the moment and a useless Jobs Summit will not help. The president should open the White House gates and have the Fortune 500 executives provide real jobs for real jobs seekers.

A lack of empathy for the victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was more devastating to former President George W. Bush's approval ratings than his conduct of the Iraq War. Hopefully, lack of empathy for those unemployed will not become Obama's Katrina. If the White House doesn't wage a full scale war on unemployment it will be his version of Katrina and send his approval ratings to new lows.

With a large increase of troops being sent to Afghanistan and record numbers of unemployed in the United States we see a parallel situation with the previous administration on Iraq and Katrina.

Let us hope that President Obama has a plan to cut unemployment in half and has an effective plan for Afghanistan.

Open the White House gates to job seekers this week. A Jobs Fair will help American workers much more than a Jobs Summit.

Obama: Provide jobs and create jobs. Jobs creation is the main issue facing America today. If you do not tackle this issue with more empathy, interest, imagination and creativity than you are now doing your approval rating will continue to slide and unemployment will grow.

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