Pope Cannot See What Is Good & Evil

In today's overpopulated world, in which sexually-transmitted diseases are a scourge, few points about good and evil can be plainer than that contraception is good and opposition to contraception is evil. Yet the Pope remains willfully blind to this.
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Pope Benedict XVI was correct when he proclaimed during the Vatican's Easter Vigil mass that people today "cannot see . . . what is good and what is evil."

An appropriate place for him to start to remedy this problem is with himself and the Church's hierarchy.

In today's overpopulated world, in which sexually-transmitted diseases are a scourge, few points about good and evil can be plainer than that contraception is good and opposition to contraception is evil.

Yet the Pope and his cardinals and bishops continue their willful blindness to good and evil on this issue -- an issue on which some 98 percent of American Catholics have no difficulty seeing what is good and what is evil.

Moral physicians, Heal thyselves.

Robert S. McElvaine is a history professor at Millsaps College. He is a Catholic and the author, most recently, of "Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion in America.' He is now writing, 'Oh, Freedom! -- The Young '60s.'

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