That's Not 'Locker Room Talk'

That's Not 'Locker Room Talk'
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Among the numerous lies that came out of Donald Trump's mouth during the second presidential debate, and the vastly greater, uncountable number of lies he has told throughout his campaign, I want to focus on one today: His attempt to characterize his bragging about grabbing, his pride in sexual assault, as just "locker room talk."

Trump used the same excuse in the first of his two non-apology apologies after the Friday release of the recording of his boasting about how being a "star" allowed him to grope women without their consent: "This was locker-room banter," he said dismissively.

For the benefit of the more than half of American voters who have never been in an all-male locker room or other no-woman's lands, I would like to make it clear that talk of sexual assault is absolutely not "locker-room banter."

Of course males talk about females and sex. But I have never heard another man brag about forcing himself on women. Sexual assault is not a topic taken lightly or something in which someone would take pride . . . even a locker room.

Mr. Trump, I have been in locker rooms. I know locker rooms. Locker rooms have been frequented by friends of mine. Mr. Trump, yours was no locker-room talk.

Donald Trump's words and actions are, obviously, loathsome towards women. But they are also an affront to men and disgraceful for him. He so wants to be seen--and to see himself--as a "real man."

Mr. Trump, "real men" don't sexually assault women. Nor do they boast to other men, in locker rooms or anywhere else, about doing so.

Donald Trump is an even bigger fraud as a "man" than he is as a "businessman."

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